Our Offerings

The Bright Side Coaching focuses on one-on-one financial coaching.
We currently have two offerings: The Coaching Package and The One-Off Coaching Session.

  • The Coaching Package

    A package of 4 coaching sessions. Ideal if you want to dive into the details, hit your money goals quickly, and gain financial confidence with the help of a coach.

  • The One-Off Coaching Session

    One coaching session, up to 60 minutes. Ideal if you have questions on a specific topic, like student loans or saving for a house downpayment.

Who They’re For

Financial coaching can be hugely beneficial regardless of your income level. However, The Bright Side Coaching tends to work with people in their late 20’s and 30’s who want to feel more confident in their finances and grow their wealth. But not all coaching clients are the same. We help people in all three categories below. Which one best describes you?

  • I'm Seeking Confidence in My Money

    I want someone to guide me through the basics so I feel more confident when it comes to my finances. I don’t have a lot of money (yet) but I want to grow my wealth and set up systems to reach my money goals.

  • I Make Good Money & I Want Help Optimizing It

    I make a good income but feel like I should have more money; somehow I’m spending more of it than I realize. I want advice on how to optimize my money, including which tax-advantaged accounts to lean into to increase the amount of money I get to keep.

  • I'm Going Through a Big Life Change and Need to Adjust My Finances

    I need help as I go through a big life change (getting married, getting a promotion, losing a job, going back to school, moving, expecting a baby, etc). Based on this life change, I’ll need to adjust my finances accordingly and want some guidance as I do it.

The Details

See below for details of The Coaching Package and The One-Off Coaching Session to determine which one is the best fit for you.

The Coaching Package (best value!)

What’s included:
Package of 4 sessions, up to 60 min each

Ideal for:
People who are ready to dive into their finances with a coach, make adjustments, and hit their goals much faster than they would on their own.

Think of this as the money equivalent of hiring a personal trainer; you could look up exercises on your own and try to convince yourself to go to the gym, but having the accountability, encouragement, and knowledge of a coach makes a huge difference in what you can accomplish!

Topics include:
–Your relationship with money / how your emotions around money may be impacting your behavior

–Big, exciting goals – whether that’s buying a home or taking an extended vacation abroad

–Diving into your numbers: what you’re making, what you’re spending, and how to find more money for things you love

–Making a plan together and creating a system to hit your goals (including how to approach spending, saving, and investing without having to budget every single dollar)

Access to exclusive money trackers and forms to stay organized, make sense of your money, and get clarity on what to adjust to hit your goals

The One-Off Coaching Session

What’s included:
One coaching session on a specific topic, up to 60 min

Ideal for:
People who want to talk through a specific topic rather than committing to a coaching package.

Maybe you feel great about your money but want to talk through the student loan payments you have coming up, or discuss how to plan your wedding when you have to stay within a specific budget.

It’s worth noting that The One-Off Coaching Session is broader and doesn’t go nearly as in depth as The Coaching Package, due to being limited to 60 minutes.

Topics include:
—Debt: Determining which debt to pay off in which order to save the most money 

–Paying for a Wedding: How to balance love and finances, and not blow your wedding budget

–Saving for a House: How to save for a home downpayment and what type of account to put the money in

–Credit Cards & Credit Scores: How to avoid paying interest and increase your credit score

–401ks & Roth IRAs: Benefits of these tax-advantaged accounts, how to decide how much to contribute, and how to avoid leaving free money on the table

–And more!

Note: Some people may truly just need The One-Off Coaching Session, and that’s fine! However, if you complete one of these sessions, I may recommend The Coaching Package afterwards if we start getting into the details and I realize there’s more you want to discuss.

Book a Free Consultation

If you’re considering coaching, book a free 15-minute consultation first!

You’ll talk directly with Melissa about which type of coaching is right for you (The Coaching Package vs. The One-Off Coaching Session) and get clarity on pricing, scheduling, and any other questions you have before officially booking.